Thursday, May 27, 2010

Midwife appointment on Tuesday, at this point with Luke I was measuring right on (you know, 25 cm at 25 weeks, etc.) but now I'm measuring 1 cm AHEAD! Woo, maybe I'll get that 9-pound baby yet! Or not. I feel bigger than I did with Luke, though...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day

Adam brought home from school a questionnaire he had filled out all about me. Check out how many of the questions he got right!

My mom's name is: Lisa
The color of my mom's hair is: Reddish brownish
My mom's eyes are: Blue
I think my mom is aboutt 29 years old
My mom's favorite color is: Blue
My mom's favorite TV show is: Bones
My mom likes to: read stories but she doesn't like to: do stuff for my dad (haha! Kids are observent little things, aren't they?)
My mom likes to eat: Tacos
My mom looks prettiest when: She goes to a wedding
In the summer, my mom likes to: Pick flowers with me
In the winter, my mom likes to: Make snowmen
My mom likes to read books with me
I like being with my om most when: We sleep together with Luke
I enjoy listening to my mom read the story Marley Strikes
If I could give my mom something special it would be: Chocolate (smart kid!)
My favorite thing about my mom is: She reads a book to me

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Money Shot

So I had my "big" ultrasound today. It took a little searching, but yes, we did find out gender. it's another bouncing baby BOY. The tech wasn't really certain, but the OB came in and took one look and said "Oh yeah, that's a boy." Everything else checked out fine, his measurements were pretty darn close to the due date we had already figured out. He was all curled up in a little ball with his hands over his face so we only got a couple of good face shots, but we did get to see his little mouth open and close. The tech said he was drinking :) Got a shot of his tiny foot, too, so cute.

So, in about 4 1/2 months, the testosterone level in this house will rise yet again.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Just testing...

Seeing if this blog network thing works...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

First appointment!

Had the first midwife appointment last night. Pretty uneventful, just talked about how things are going and how things have been for the past year and a half. Tried to hear the heartbeat, think we might have heard it for a second but then the baby swam away, but in the process we did hear a nice kick at the Doppler so at least we know something's alive and swimming in there! Next appointment is on March 23.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Developmental ped update

So we had our dev ped referral at Rochester yesterday. Actually, yesterday's appointment was just with the intake social worker. She went through the history, what we were concerned about, what had been done so far, and all that. She agreed that he is indeed behind and is going to set up an appointment with the developmental pediatrician. Except, there's a 6- to 9-month waiting list, so it's not going to be any time soon. There is a nurse practitioner there, but she's leaving in a month, so the social worker is going to see if there's any way she can squeeze us in before then. Otherwise it'll be summertime before we have anything new. She gave us a couple of ideas to help Luke out (like making a picture book of common things in our house and kitchen to see if he can point to what he wants instead of throwing a tantrum because he's *trying* to tell us what he wants but we don't understand him). So I'll get started on that this weekend. I'm kind of excited, it'd be so cool if he understands the book and actually uses it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Charity Auction

I know I have at least 1 follower, maybe some more anonymous ones, but I want y'all to pop on over to this blog and check out the auction they're putting on. This little boy has epidermolysis bullosa, which (don't quote me, I'm not a doctor) means he's missing some proteins that hold the layers of his skin together. The slightest friction on any part of him causes his skin to rub right off. Ouch, right? What's worse is that it's deadly, and (again, I'm not an expert, I've just been following this cute little guy since I stumbled across his blog almost a year ago) depending on the type of EB you may not make it through your first year. They're holding the auction to raise money for DebRA to find a cure.